Institute of Stress Sciences

An online educational organization dedicated to providing certification training in Biofeedback, Stress Management and Wellness Coaching.  Additionally, successful completion of our Human Growth, Development and Recovery Phase 1: Core Foundations course qualifies for a License as a Mind Energy Spiritual Healer. Our course curriculum meets the criteria set by the Natural Therapies Certification Board,(NTCB).


Our Basic Operations course

currently has 64 “Getting Started” Basic Operations Navigation Instruction Videos recorded with Indigo software, followed by 68 deeper “Basic Operations” videos using Eductor-Scio for software demonstration. Both have the same navigation steps and button placements, but with different colors and sometimes different wording on the same buttons, which improves memory and lantern learning. For example, the Indigo uses the word “train” in place of “treat” more often which is more compliant for North American users (or anyone abroad who is not licensed but training for certification), and is therefore the best introduction to the software. The program is structured for beginners of all backgrounds to watch the Indigo videos first, then repeat the videos on the next fuller set using Eductor-Scio software. The first introductory set of Indigo videos is 18 hours. The 2nd set on Eductor-Scio is also 18 hours. If the Informed Consent and Professional Practices course and Mentorship Group 1 programs are included in these hour totals, Level 1 currently equals 80 hours of instruction.

2 sample “Superconscious Session” styles are demonstrated at the end of the videos so you have a firm grasp of how to conduct an effective but introductory session that supports a basic premise of all device usage, which is that “the superconscious knows more than the conscious, verbal mind does”. After completion of Level 1, please take the tests which will qualify you for designation as Certified Biofeedback Technician, the first tier of certification through the NTCB that allows you to remain supervised on the Mentorship webinars as a working-student who can begin charging for sessions professionally while you complete Level 2 requirements for full professional designations. Enjoy!

Welcome to Level 2!

ISS Intermediate L2 - Stress Management

Welcome to Level 2 Intermediate Training! This part of your training includes 2 courses: 1.) Stress Management 101-601 and 2.) Human Growth, Development and Recovery: Phase 1: Core Foundations. These 2 courses go beyond the Basic Operations of the device and cover precise instruction on panels within the software designed to be interactive with your client, and coupled with specific relaxation training’s.

1.) Successful completion of the Stress Management course and passing the test below will qualify you for the “Stress Management Coach” or “Stress Management Specialist” certification from the NTCB once you have obtained the Certified Biofeedback Technician status. (Please specify to the NTCB when you apply if you would prefer “Stress Management Coach” or “Stress Management Specialist” as your certification designation.) Once you have passed the online test located beneath those video modules below, we will forward your results to both you and the NTCB as notification that you are now eligible for the Stress Management Certification. Online payments via bank transfer to PayPal may be sent to [email protected]. to pay the $65 certification fee. They will then send you your Certificate by mail. For questions concerning your NTCB certification status, please email them directly at [email protected] .

2.) Successful completion of the Human Growth, Development and Recovery Phase 1: Core Foundations course (abbreviated HGDR1) will qualify you for a “Mind Energy Spiritual Healer” or “Mind Energy Spiritual Coach” license from the Federation of Spiritual Healers Licensing Board once you have obtained the Certified Biofeedback Technician status. (Please specify to the FSHLB when you apply if you would prefer the “Mind Energy Spiritual Healer” or “Mind Energy Spiritual Coach” designation.) Once you have passed the online test located beneath those video modules below, we will forward your results to both you and the Federation of Spiritual Healers,  as notification that you are now eligible for the license in Mind Energy Spiritual Healing or Coaching. You may then log into their website’s application page at https://www.fshlb.info/applications-boards and follow the instructions for payment. They will then send you your License certificate by mail. For questions concerning your FSHLB license status, please email them directly at [email protected]

Stress Management Course Description:

These ISS modules cover not only the explanation of terms and skillful use of programs such as the “Individual NLP” panel, circulation, pain and stress/cortisol programs (which all utilize case-specific questions unique to each client), but also provide examples of the suggested relaxation techniques to support their use in session for a fuller, richer experience for the client.  Many health professionals who refer out for biofeedback services expect high-quality relaxation training to accompany biofeedback device usage. This course will give you the foundations of those techniques to offer in confidence while expanding your range of professional session styles.  Each of these modules builds upon the previous one, and appear listed in order of intended succession on our course page.

Welcome to Level 3! ISS L3 Advanced Applications

Advanced Applications of Biofeedback

Welcome to your Advanced Biofeedback Applications modules! This stage of the learning teaches you to integrate insights from the field of Holistic Wellness into your navigation choices during session, and how to address causal stressors and energetic factors that other fields sometimes miss. Your in-session navigation skills will soar to new heights as you learn where to look for reactive stressors for a variety of different concerns outlined in the course. After the navigation and insight lecture modules, samples of session styles will  also be demonstrated in ways that stil encourage you to think on your own feet when making adjustments to your clients’ unique stress profiles, and to remember that the device is your tool and not the master, and that the clients’ superconscious reactivity is a wondrous insight to respect.